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Obtaining enough capital to start your own business can be challenging enough, but what happens if you are over the initial phase and it is now time to take the next step? At this stage, your company’s progress will have become evident and further investment will be needed to take it on to the next step. You might want to expand or consolidate your activities, or perhaps even undertake new projects. If this is where you are on your entrepreneurial journey and your enterprise contributes to the regional development of Malta, you can obtain financial support from Malta Enterprise.

The amount of financial aid you are granted will depend on how much the project will contribute to the Maltese economy and on the number of new jobs that will be created or maintained, but this scheme can be a game-changer. Companies aiming to expand and transform their business operation or to consolidate their current activities can be awarded support in the form of tax credit or cash grants of up to €300,000.

Support for various activities, such as the initial development phase of undertaking's establishing of activities, and the re-engineering of business processes.

Tax Credit or Cash Grant.

Aid granted to single undertaking shall not exceed the amount of €300,000, in line with the minimis regulation.

Cash grants shall only be considered to support projects that lead to future development of the following activities: manufacturing; management of waste and environmental solutions; research and development activities; provision of industrial services and solutions to manufacturing operations; digitisation of processes; maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft and other electromechanical equipment; artisanal works; and services that are mainly intended for the international markets/consumers.

Post-Business Plan Support is provided to start-up companies with a viable business plan. These may receive up to €20,000 per quarter linked to full time employment. Up to €5,000 of the grant can be disbursed to finance the procurement of assets required for the business operation.

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